12 Steps of Starting a New Year, Part 1: Lessons From a Business Leader With 25 Years of Sobriety
12 Steps of Starting a New Year, Part 1: Lessons From a Business Leader With 25 Years of Sobriety
February 10, 2022
The start of the new year is packed with new goals for business leaders.

By Stephanie Dillon

Original Source: rollingstone.com

Opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not reflect the views of Rolling Stone editors or publishers.

As a business leader, every holiday season and its aftermath (the first month of the new year), I reflect on a particular part of my past and how it’s influenced my personal and professional life.

I live a life of recovery from alcoholism, having been sober for 25 years.

In the early days of my recovery, I frequently attended Alcoholic Anonymous meetings. Nowadays, I still occasionally attend online AA meetings. But the lessons I learned from the 12 steps all those years ago, I carry with me every day, especially during the course of running my business. I think every business leader can benefit from those lessons...Click here to continue reading

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