Rebuilding After Addiction: 'I Got A Glimpse Of The Other Side, And I Like It, I Don't Miss My Old Life'
Rebuilding After Addiction: 'I Got A Glimpse Of The Other Side, And I Like It, I Don't Miss My Old Life'
April 26, 2022

Joyce Fegan meets three people who have overcome addiction thanks to treatment facilities and employers who have helped them recover their dignity

By Joyce Fegan

Original Source:

Sean O'Reilly: "I never thought I'd get my brother and sister back and now they're ringing me every day"

Sean O'Reilly, 25, entered rehab for drug addiction at the height of the pandemic - October 2020.

"I had to ring in every day to get my name down in Tiglin (Wicklow), they'd put a tick beside your name each time you rang. I rang every day for five months until I got a place," explains Sean, originally from Dublin.

In the years leading up to this point, there had been a series of lows.

"I kept hitting rock bottom and then getting back up. But I couldn't get the balance. There'd be one good week, one bad week. But having gotten through it all, now I can see I had hit rock bottom that last time," explains Sean.

Sean started using drugs at about 15 years of age, and it gradually here to continue reading

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