Repairing Relationships After Substance Use Disorder
Repairing Relationships After Substance Use Disorder
February 18, 2022

By Morgan Mandriota

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Navigating relationships while in recovery can be challenging, but you can rebuild trust and repair bonds. Here’s how.

If you’re recovering from substance use disorder (SUD) or you love someone who is, you know just how challenging it can be to heal the harm that may have occurred. This can be especially true when it comes to repairing relationships.

But there’s hope for mending broken bonds and repairing any damage that may have been done.

Although the road to recovery can be long for everyone involved, it’s possible to make amends with those  you might’ve hurt or lost in the past due to SUD.

For those in recovery, it may also be beneficial to build — or rebuild — a community of healthy, loving relationships. A support network here to continue reading

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