When Should You .... Give Up Alcohol?
When Should You .... Give Up Alcohol?
August 3, 2021

By Rory KinsellaOriginal Source: stuff.co.nz

When Rory Kinsella found that his drinking was having ‘diminishing returns’ on his life and he felt worse on the days when he drank, he came to the realisation that he had had enough.

Hi, I’m Rory, and I’m a “not quite” alcoholic. Or I was before I quit drinking three-and-a-half years ago.

Before I quit, I thought the only people who stopped were those unfortunates who had crossed a murky but unmistakable line where drinking somehow transforms from a fun and glamorous thing into a disease.

There was no “not quite” about these people, they were “very much” alcoholics, clear to everyone, even if...click here to continue reading

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