Joys of Parenting

September 25, 2023
I was married to my wife for close to 15 years before our divorce became official. We tried for 10+ years to get pregnant and start a family. The mounting level of stress on myself between work, the years of trying to get pregnant, and everything else life was throwing at us, eventually led to me beginning to drink more often than I should be. We finally (through a complete miracle) had our daughter 11 years into the marriage. While we were both over the moon excited, my drinking started to consume my life. I was not the person I used to be, not the person my wife married, and not the father I should be. During the divorce process, I harshly recognized that my drinking would get in the way of any time I was hoping to get with my miracle child, our beautiful (now 6) year-old daughter. Soberlink was my saving grace. It forced me to remain sober during parenting time as well as the times leading up to seeing my daughter. While this was an emotional and mental struggle for me, I know it was something I had to do. Before long, the joys of parenting overtook my desire to drink. Soberlink literally saved my life and my daughter's. I cannot thank you enough.

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