14 Daily Happiness Habits To Adopt Right Now
14 Daily Happiness Habits To Adopt Right Now
August 27, 2021
Feel Good

By Maria StenvinkelOriginal Source: tinybuddah.com

“The biggest lie we’re told is ‘Be with someone who makes you happy.’ The truth is, happiness is something you create on your own. Be with someone who adds to it.” ~Unknown

That’s what we all strive for, right?Happiness, I mean.I used to think that happiness was about my external world. If things were going well for me (in my career, social life, relationships, etc.), then I was happy. If things weren’t going well, which things often weren’t in one area or another, I felt frustrated, angry, or defeated.Later, I realized that long-term happiness isn’t about external events. It starts from within and most importantly, it’s a skill to be learned and developed.To live your best life...click here to continue reading

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Feel Good

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