Yoga. Because Punching People Is Frowned Upon
Yoga. Because Punching People Is Frowned Upon
May 10, 2022
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Training the mind for silence requires the same enthusiasm and conviction as training the body. And just like exercise, practice and consistency delivers the desired result.

I imagine all good habits, from working out to eating right, starts with a plan. When I started doing yoga my only plan was to shrink the arse following me and to lose an extra chin. It was never my plan to learn a skill set that would prepare my mind and body for meditation, but that's exactly what happened. As it turns out, this is truly what the practice of yoga is all about.

For those that have never tried it, yoga is essentially configuring your body into various positions and then holding that posture for some time. In these positions your muscles tighten and your balance is challenged. Keeping the posture requires extreme focus and attention to what you're doing. And while our bodies are engaged, our mind here to continue reading

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